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My Safe Florida Home FAQ

The My Safe Florida Home program is a state initiative designed to help Florida homeowners protect their homes from the devastating impacts of severe weather frequently experienced in the region. The program provides an array of services including conducting free wind inspections, offering rebates for qualifying improvements, and providing invaluable resources to homeowners to strengthen their properties.

ANY Floridian whose primary residence is a site-built, single-family, detached home is eligible to apply. Please review our Homeowner’s Guide for further information regarding eligibility.

All of the following criteria will be used to approve grant applicants:

  • You must have received a free home hurricane inspection through the My Safe Florida Home Program.
  • You must provide proof of homestead exemption. If you need assistance obtaining a copy of your homestead exemption information, please confer with your local Property Appraiser or Tax Collectors Office.
  • You must provide documentation that your home is insured for less than $500,000 and provide a copy of your current property insurance declarations page. If you do not have a copy, contact your home insurance company.
  • The home must be located in a wind-borne debris region of the state. Please review the map in the Homeowner’s Guide to determine if the home is located in an eligible region. If you’re unsure after reviewing the map, contact your county’s property appraiser’s office to inquire about your address.
  • The initial building construction permit for the home must have been issued prior to January 1, 2008. If you do not know when your home was built, please contact your local officials. This information is frequently available through the website or office of your Property Appraiser.
  • Homeowners must allow the home to be re-inspected after construction work has been completed. This re-inspection is provided at no cost by the Department of Financial Services through the My Safe Florida Home Program.

All of the above criteria are necessary to qualify for, and receive, a grant, unless otherwise noted.

Review the information on the Home Hardening Upgrades page of your inspection report (page 6); these are the improvements recommended for your home that are eligible for reimbursement.

If your inspection report contains a recommendation to add a Secondary Water-Resistant Barrier (SWR), then you may use program funds to replace your roof. We will work with you and local building officials to determine the best SWR product for your home, and ensure that the selected product will pass local building code inspections.

You do not need to do all of the listed improvements on your inspection report. We suggest performing the least-costly improvement that will give your home the most protection. However, you should perform what you can afford. We recommend discussing your options with us.

Requesting a Final Inspection through the program is the first step in the reimbursement process. This Final Inspection is a wind mitigation inspection provided at no cost by the My Safe Florida Home Program. After you have completed this Final inspection, you will be able to submit a Reimbursement Draw Request through the system that includes all the required documents. For a full list of required documents, please review the Reimbursement Guide here. Please contact us using the form above for more information.